Unlike other procedures that use high-temperature treatment options, Plasma Therapy uses low-temperature energy to help reduce side effects of the procedure. Plasma Therapy can result in less bleeding, as well as shorter catheterization and overall procedure time, reducing the adverse side effects that can occur with higher temperature treatments.1
Why Choose Plasma Therapy?
Plasma Therapy has been commonly used to treat BPH, and has been performed in the most cases to date.
Key Benefits1,2

Shorter procedure time

Less bleeding

Shorter catheterization time

Quick return to
normal activities

Discontinuation of
BPH medications

Long-lasting results
During the procedure, your surgeon will reach the prostate by inserting a thin, tube-like instrument (resectoscope) through the urethra. A small camera with an illuminating light attached to the resectoscope allows the surgeon to see a magnified view of the prostate. An electrode at the tip of the resectoscope is passed along the enlarged prostatic tissue, removing obstructing tissue. The prostate is virtually “carved out”, gaining space for normal urination and reducing symptoms.
With Plasma Therapy, a device known as the Plasma-OvalButton gently vaporizes the enlarged prostate tissue. The surgeon uses a unique hovering technique, that way there is virtually no direct contact between the device and the prostate tissue. Plasma energy also coagulates the healthy tissue, and leaves behind a smooth surface.
With the innovation of Plasma technology, your physician now has a superior level of precision and control to make your procedure as effective and as safe as possible.
Plasma procedures are safe, have long-lasting results, and are proven to be one of the most effective procedures to treat BPH.
What are the risks?
Every medical treatment may have side effects. The same is true for Plasma Therapy. The potential side effects are: blood in the urine, cramping in the bladder or an urgent need to urinate, frequent urination or burning sensation. Please contact your doctor immediately if: you see large amounts of blood in your urine, you have a temperature in excess of 101° F, or if you experience chills or shaking. The risk for serious complications depends on your medical condition and age, as well as the experience of the surgeon.
Speak with your doctor to see if Plasma Therapy is right for you.
Does my insurance cover the procedure?
The procedure is covered by Medicare and most private insurers. Contact your health insurance provider for additional information.
Is Plasma Therapy treatment permanent?
Yes, Plasma Therapy procedure is permanent and is known to be the gold standard in treatment for patients with BPH. It is long-lasting and has great clinical results.1
When can I resume my normal routine or activities?
The Plasma Therapy procedure typically allows you to return to your normal schedule quickly. Your doctor will be able to advise when you can resume your regular activities.
Do I have to stay in the hospital after a procedure?
Surgeons have the ability to discharge their patients the same day.2 According to studies, surgeons have discharged 81.7% of patients on the same day of surgery.2 Your doctor will talk with you about specific discharge instructions before and after the procedure.
Do I stop taking my blood thinners prior to the procedure?
Plasma technology has been demonstrated on patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy2; however your doctor will talk with you about all of your medications before the procedure.
How will this procedure affect my work? How much time will I need to take off?
Your doctor will be able to advise when you can resume your regular activities, including work. The Plasma Therapy Procedure typically allows you to return to your normal schedule and routine quickly.2
What will I feel during and after the treatment?
Some patients may experience minimal postoperative discomfort. As with every medical treatment, potential side effects are:1
- Blood in the urine
- Cramping in the bladder or an urgent need to urinate
- Frequent urination, burning sensation
Following your Plasma Therapy procedure, you should contact your doctor immediately if you:
- See large amounts of blood in your urine
- Have a temperature in excess of 101° F
- Experience chills or shaking
What risks should I be aware of?
The risk for serious complications depends on your medical condition and age. Ask your doctor what you should expect after surgery, as well as the potential risks that may occur with surgery.
What do I need to do to take care of myself after the treatment?
Arrange for transportation following your procedure as you will not be able to drive. Follow any postoperative instructions from your doctor.
How often will I need checkups with my doctor?
Patients usually have follow-up exams for 2 years after the procedure. Your physician will advise on your follow-up exams.
These exams may include patient history, including any change in BPH symptoms like voiding or hematuria (blood in the urine), urinalysis and cystoscopy. Follow-up treatments may also include intravesical therapies as needed.
Will the surgery affect my sex life? My social life?
Patients may notice the possibility of retrograde ejaculation1, which occurs when semen shoots back into the bladder rather than coming out through the urethra. This does not impact sexual function, sensation or activity4, but may be a concern for patients if they are not aware of its possibility.
How does the procedure work?
Watch how Plasma is used to treat BPH in our library on the Resource Hub.

1. Data on file with Olympus.
2. How I do it: Same day discharge for transurethral resection of prostate using Olympus PlasmaButton™ and PlasmaLoop™. Available at: http://www.canjurol.com/html/free-articles/JUV23_I5_16_FREE_DrKernenSECURE.pdf
3. 510(k) - K152092